Several things should happen before you look at any homes for sale.
First, you should meet with a lender and become pre-approved. Then you'll know how much you can spend based on your qualifications.
Next, you should sit down with your own budget and decide if you WANT to spend that much. Remember, the lender doesn't know about your hobbies and lifestyle preferences. You want to own your new home. You don't want to become a slave to it.
And then… you think about where you work and where you like to play. If you have medical issues, think about where your doctor and hospital are located. Based on those facts, decide where in Vancouver you want to live.
Driving too far to get to any of the places you go regularly is a huge drain on both your time and your finances. So choose the location, and refuse to even look at homes that are more than a few miles from that location.
Are you ready? Call me!
I'll be pleased to help you find a home that fits your budget – and your preferred location.
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